Hello there! Today we will be looking at some examples of how you would use price levels in an Algorithmic Trading System. In fact, this approach can be used in manual trading strategies as well. The stuff we will be working with today is very basic, so you will find it very simple. At the same time, easy strategies are the best to practice programming for financial markets.
There won’t be any coding in today’s tutorial, so you can just watch it in relaxed mode 🙂 We will turn one of the underlying strategies into code next time.
Let me know if you have any questions – I’m always happy to help. Just click on the title of this post and then use the comments section underneath the video.
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September 15, 2014 at 5:53 pm, tablet8 said:
if it is possible, in your premium videos teach us how to make a robot for this techniques.
thank you.
September 16, 2014 at 5:23 pm, Kirill said:
Hi tablet8,
Thanks for the idea. This is a basic martingale trading strategy. It’s rather risky, but would be interesting to look at in the course. Though, I can’t promise anything, I will certainly consider it.