Author: Muhammad Awais

Have you ever come across an indicator in MetaTrader 4 which you didn’t know how to use? Or an indicator you weren’t really comfortable with the calculation of?

Today I will show you that Forex Indicators are incredibly easy!! After today’s short tutorial you will have a whole new appreciation for indicators.


Forex Triangle Pattern

by Muhammad Awais


The triangle pattern is one of my favourite patterns in the Forex Market. It is very easy to trade and it is highly effective! Today I will show you exactly how you can take advantage of this market formation.

The triangle pattern is very common – it usually occurs inbetween trends and signals consolidation on the market.  Often when you see the triangle formation it means that traders are uncertain of where the currency pair is going to go next.



By popular demand, proven strategies on how to beat every algorithmic trader’s worst nightmare – Error 130

The OrderSend Error 130 appears in MetaTrader 4 when an Expert Advisor can’t execute a marker order as expected. Also known as the Invalid Stop (ERR_INVALID_STOPS) in MQL jargon, the Error 130 happens when the TakeProfit and StopLoss levels are set to close to the current market price.

Where does this error come from? What does it mean for your Expert Advisor? How can you find the part of your code that is causing the error? We tackle all this and more…



Bye-bye Alpari

As the week nears its end Alpari announces its insolvency:

The recent move on the Swiss franc caused by the Swiss National Bank’s unexpected policy reversal of capping the Swiss franc against the euro has resulted in exceptional volatility and extreme lack of liquidity. This has resulted in the majority of clients sustaining losses which has exceeded their account equity. Where a client cannot cover this loss, it is passed on to us.  This has forced Alpari (UK) Limited to confirm today, 16/01/15, that it has entered into insolvency. Retail client funds continue to be segregated in accordance with FCA rules.



Yesterday one of the traders taking my Forex Robots Course asked me an interesting question: “What’s the difference between Optimization and Curve-Fitting in Forex Backtesting?” Let’s talk about that for a minute…

The article

The question was prompted by an article from It’s a good read, but I’ll give you a break down here to save time.

Basically, the author defines optimization as the process of finding “the best collection of entry signals that in conjunction with the exit signals maximize some objective”. Curve fitting, on the other hand, is referred to as merely finding “a curve that best fits the historical data”.

What doesn’t sit right with me, is that this definition severely undermines any Optimization we do in MetaTrader 4. The article is effectively saying that if you use the MT4 strategy tester, you are not putting enough thought into your entry/exit signals, and hence you are curve-fitting your results. Your system will fail.


MT4 Common Error

by Muhammad Awais

MT4 Common Error Are you experiencing the MT4 common error in your trading platform? In this short article I will show you how to fix the “common error” that you may be seeing in your MetaTrader 4 trading terminal. What happened? On 17 October 2014 MetaQuotes released Build 735 of MetaTrader 4, which apparently only […]

Interpreting the strategy tester report Have you ever been confused by the strategy tester report after running a backtest in MT4? Would you like to better utilise ratios like Profit Factor and Expected Payoff in your analysis? If so, then this video-tutorial is just right for you! I will show you how to read the MetaTrader 4 […]

In this video I will provide a very detailed explanation of what the three backtesting models in the MT4 Strategy Tester. You will learn about the Open Prices, Control Points and Every Tick models; and as you will see they all have their benefits which you can use to your advantage during backtests, forward tests […]

Today we will be looking at Expert Advisor properties. Forex Robots have external variables which are displayed in the form of EA properties in MetaTrader 4. Simply put, these are your levers by means of which you can control the robot’s behaviour. This is the best and most efficient way to adjust your trading strategy […]

What is Backtesting? Investopedia defines backtesting as “The process of testing a trading strategy on prior time periods. Instead of applying a strategy for the time period forward, which could take years, a trader can do a simulation of his or her trading strategy on relevant past data in order to gauge the its effectiveness” In […]

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