One of the most important ingredients for successful trading is Forex chart patterns technical analysis. Recognizing figures on the graph is an essential part of the Forex strategy of every trader. It is vital that you learn chart patterns and their meaning. I have decided to spare some time to show you how to trade […]
Taking on Forex trading is, like any endeavor, a journey that has its own set of victories and defeats. For you to become a successful trader, besides diligently educating yourself, planning, and executing your strategies, the ability to remain coolheaded and not get tangled up in emotions is as crucial as the rest. This is […]

As you’re likely aware, there are a few different methods you can use to analyse the financial markets. One of them is called Technical Analysis (TA), which is the analysis of charts and the associated data surrounding them. Within this broad description there are a number of different ways you can apply TA, which at least partially depend on the chart types that you use. (more…)