One of the most important ingredients for successful trading is Forex chart patterns technical analysis. Recognizing figures on the graph is an essential part of the Forex strategy of every trader. It is vital that you learn chart patterns and their meaning. I have decided to spare some time to show you how to trade […]

The life of a Forex trader is full of unpredictable events. You never know when a central banker says something that moves the market. Therefore, the need of having a set of Forex trading tools arises. Before anything, don’t think of Forex trading tools as being only technical ones. Instead, think of the sum of […]

Yet another Japanese concept, the Heikin Ashi candles provide a great setup in both swing trading and Forex scalping. When the Western technical analysis world met the Japanese approach, it was stunned to find out the simplicity and the power of the Japanese candlesticks. As it turned out, the Japanese traders used candlesticks patterns to […]

Part of money management, position trading and position sizing in Forex determine the profitability of a trading account. Many try, few succeed. Traders bear enormous responsibility. From the moment they fund the trading account, suddenly become money managers. Like it or not, this is the reality. However, managing money is not for everyone. Traits must […]

Price action trend reversal strategies are old as technical analysis. Before trading theories and indicators appeared, traders used naked charts to spot the best trade. Technical analysis using price action is the purest approach to markets. Because there’s no indicator to blur the charts, trades become apparent. Moreover, when applying money management rules, trend reversal […]

Among classic technical analysis pattern, the head and shoulder chart pattern stands out of the crowd. A head and shoulders chart is a reversal pattern that allows incorporating both price and time in an analysis. I wanted to get your attention from the first paragraph. Reread it! What’s unusual? Price and time. In Forex trading, […]

Spotting a trend reversal is the dream of every trader. It gives an early entry and offers a competitive advantage against conservative traders. As for reversal patterns, Forex traders have a plethora to choose from. Therefore, they focus on the most powerful reversal patterns and use them with a proper money management system. There are […]

Forex trading has much to do with trends. To ride them, traders look for trend continuation patterns. To fade them, they ignore continuation patterns and focus on reversal ones. There aren’t many continuation patterns technical analysis provides. But those that exist are enough for the right positioning. Any journey into continuation patterns technical analysis offer […]

Price action trading is a form of technical analysis. But, a special one. A price action trading strategy focuses on current price levels derived from previous ones. That’s what differentiates the price action of a currency pair from trading with indicators. Moreover, Forex price action works on all time frames. When it comes to price […]

The history of money is a work in progress. Technical analysis of a financial product cannot exist in its actual form without a triangle chart pattern. Past patterns show a future forecast, and a Forex triangle is one of the most impressive ones. When thinking of money, modern traders don’t think of physical money. Money […]