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MT4 Strategy Tester Window In this tutorial we will look at the Strategy Tester window. I will explain what each of the options is responsible for and how you would go about adjusting them. The MT4 Strategy Tester has a lot of buttons and at first it can be quite overwhelming. However, I will guide […]

Hello there! In this video I will show you how to download and install MetaTrader 4 and open a FREE Forex demo account. What is MetaTrader 4? MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is the world’s most popular platform for trading Forex. In our series of tutorials we will be using this MT4 to test the scripts and expert […]

Learn how to backtest & optimize Forex Robots! This course assumes no prior Forex or MetaTrader 4 knowledge. All you need – is a passion for learning and a desire to be successful! We will start of by Installing MetaTrader 4 and opening a practice trading account. I will show you a smart way how […]

Hey there! Just a quick post to say that recently a lot of people have been getting the following error when trying to download MetaTrader 4 from the official MetaQuotes website: 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable I am sure that this is a temporary issue, however to assist you with this challenge here are some […]

mt4 sendmail Hello dear friends! In the previous article we discussed the process of setting up MetaTrader 4 for sending email notifications. Also, as a proof-of-concept we sent our very first MT4 email alert. Today we will delve deeper into the topic of MQL4 email notifications and we will learn how to send combine useful information in the emails our FX Robots send to us!

The MT4 SendMail function

As you recall, the MQL4 function responsible for sending emails is the SendMail. This function takes two parameters:
bool SendMail(
string subject, // header
string some_text // email text

The subject parameter will be displayed as the subject of your email, and some_text is the email message. (more…)

mt4 email alert

Greetings friends!

In this short article we will discuss how to setup your Expert Advisor so to get an MT4 email alert every time a significant event occurs. A significant event can be anything like successful execution of an order, or a position being closed at StopLoss, or even simply the price crossing a certain level. It’s up to you to decide when you want your FX Robot to send an email notification.

Step 1 – Open a Gmail Account

It is important to understand that MetaTrader 4 cannot send an MT4 email alert on its own. The only way your trading platform can do this is through an existing email account.

Of course, for this purpose you can use your personal email account. However, that way you may run into complications when configuring the SMTP server. Gmail is tried and tested, and generally speaking, I find that this is the easiest approach. (more…)

In this short tutorial we will summarize everything we learned in the previous section called “Putting it all together”. Looking back you will see how we first came up with an idea, then put that idea into a diagram, then programmed the algorithmic trading system step-by-step, making sure that everything works correctly every time, and […]

Welcome back to our Series of Tutorials! Today we are going to compare how our algorithmic trading system performs before and after adding the Moving Average entry filter. This will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of this filter. Then we will learn how to optimise the filter for a given set of parameters. Do […]

In this tutorial we will add the moving average indicator as an additional market entry condition to our trading strategy. To do this we will use the iMA() function which is built-in into MQL4. Functions such as iMA, iMACD, iRSI and many others allow you to quickly access the Moving Average, MACD, RSI and other indicators from within your Algorithmic Trading Systems. In this beginners course we will only touch on the iMA() briefly, but that should be enough for what we need in our trading system.

Enrol in the full course here:


Today we will learn the very basics of backtesting. We will practice using the Metatrader Strategy Tester and see how we can optimize the expert advisor which we have created. We will find two different sets of parameters, which will both be profitable in the backtest. Please note: do not use this expert advisor for trading […]

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