Any trading platform offers multiple indicators for analyzing a market. Either trend ones or oscillators, they help traders finding places to buy or sell. The Forex Stochastic oscillator is an accurate indicator for both scalping and swing trading. Moreover, the stochastic oscillator formula is simple and easy to use. Trading is a game of probabilities. […]

The Alligator indicator is a great Forex trading tool that has been fascinating traders for a long time. While not a moving average, riding trends is its main quality. This article shows how to use the Alligator indicator in Forex in a profitable trading way. Although it has a funny name, the indicator shows the power […]

In this material I will introduce you to a very interesting custom indicator used to spot current trends. This is the Forex Dashboard Indicator that goes on your chart and signals the trending status of Forex pairs. Here you will learn the details of this indicator and you will also be able to download the Trading […]

This time I will be showing you how to trade successfully the Falling Wedge – one of the best chart patterns in Forex. The video will demonstrate you the pattern in action and the consequences of its confirmation. Falling Wedge Pattern Trade After a sharper price decrease, the price slowed down its intensity and it […]

This time I am proud to show you the longest trade I have on record. It took place on the AUD/USD Forex chart and I opened it on signals from the Forex Alligator. I used the basic signals of the Alligator indicator trading system, which got me into an emerging bearish trend with the Aussie. But first, let’s […]