Yet another Japanese concept, the Heikin Ashi candles provide a great setup in both swing trading and Forex scalping. When the Western technical analysis world met the Japanese approach, it was stunned to find out the simplicity and the power of the Japanese candlesticks. As it turned out, the Japanese traders used candlesticks patterns to […]

Support and resistance are the basis of price action trading. Part of any technical analysis 101 course, every trader goes through them. Moreover, throughout a trader’s life, both price action and support and resistance levels will follow his/her analysis. And, for a good reason. They’re reliable, rarely give false signals, and keep the trader on […]

With its almost six trillion dollars daily turnover, the Forex market depends on Forex news to move. For this reason, Forex volatility and Forex news enjoy a direct relationship. Most of Forex news comes from the economic sphere. Job-related data, changes in the size of an economy, inflation, etc., offer traders clues about the economic […]

Technical analysis as we know it today wouldn’t be the same without Demark indicators. These aren’t just words, but a recognition of one of the most talented technical analysis trader. As the creator of Demark Indicators, Thomas Demark offered consulted big names in the trading industry. His contribution to technical analysis is nothing short of […]

Technical analysis has plenty of indicators showing trending conditions or acting as oscillators. The TRIX indicator MT4 together with the TEMA indicator come to complete the list. Moreover, a TRIX Forex indicator acts like an oscillator, while the TEMA indicator shows trending conditions. When used together, TEMA and the TRIX indicator form one of the most […]

Forex traders approach the market from different perspectives. Some expect quick and very fast profits. This is scalp trading. Others, invest. They have a different time horizon in mind. As such, scalp trading strategies simply won’t fit their personality. Retail traders love scalping. They like the idea of making a quick profit. If you come […]

In trading, like in life, simple things work best. Traders that search how to measure volatility use the average daily range for it. The idea is not a bad one. The average daily range represents the purest form of interpreting a market. The Forex dashboard consists of multiple currency pairs. Either a major pair or […]

One of the best volatility indicators, the average true range indicator helps traders understand the way a currency pair moves. Moreover, the atr formula considers large ranges that accompany strong moves. Any financial product moves in its own way. Stocks move differently than bonds, bond move differently than currency pairs…and so on. Even among currency […]

Andrews Pitchfork is one great trading tool for technical traders. Those looking to learn how to use Andrews Pitchfork will find it extremely easy and straightforward. Moreover, the Andrews Pitchfork mt4 indicator is visible and helps traders spotting the right place to enter/exit the market. Few know the origins of this indicator. Developed by Dr. […]