Part of money management in currency trading, the diversification method protects the trading account. Applying diversification method principles to the Forex trading account results in increased chances to survive in the currency markets. There are multiple ways to diversify a trading account. For instance, trading uncorrelated pairs means applying diversification method. Also, fundamental trades diversify […]

With only a stable Internet connection, retail traders have access to financial markets. But with global markets at their fingertips, what is best: trading in Forex or trading in stocks? Or both? Before anything, trading financial markets isn’t for everyone. The recent rise and fall in the cryptocurrency universe is the best example. People depleted […]

Automated trading became a reality recently. With faster computers, manual Forex trading started to lose its significance. Statistics don’t lie. Nowadays, over eighty percent of orders belong to automated trading. Moreover, the percentage is on the rise. Does this mean that the manual Forex trading will disappear? Or, that the human’s touch in the financial […]