Yet another Japanese concept, the Heikin Ashi candles provide a great setup in both swing trading and Forex scalping. When the Western technical analysis world met the Japanese approach, it was stunned to find out the simplicity and the power of the Japanese candlesticks. As it turned out, the Japanese traders used candlesticks patterns to […]

Part of money management in currency trading, the diversification method protects the trading account. Applying diversification method principles to the Forex trading account results in increased chances to survive in the currency markets. There are multiple ways to diversify a trading account. For instance, trading uncorrelated pairs means applying diversification method. Also, fundamental trades diversify […]

Support and resistance are the basis of price action trading. Part of any technical analysis 101 course, every trader goes through them. Moreover, throughout a trader’s life, both price action and support and resistance levels will follow his/her analysis. And, for a good reason. They’re reliable, rarely give false signals, and keep the trader on […]

Retail traders start their journey to financial trading with a significant disadvantage. Statistics won’t help. Most of them lose the first deposit. As such, finding the right FX strategy became the norm. However, there’s a catch. What is the right FX strategy? Because people have distinct backgrounds, what works for one doesn’t for the other. […]

Traders have different styles, and swing trading is a medium-term trading style. As such, traders that use swing trading strategies do not scalp. Swing trading strategies that work deal with a position for days. And, the best swing trading strategy keeps trades open, even for weeks. Like any trading method, swing trading deals with speculation. […]

Day trading has increased in popularity lately. Because the Forex market is open 24/5, day trading strategies appeal to retail traders. As such, day trading for beginners became possible with little financial resources. But retail traders need to learn a few day trading secrets before becoming profitable. The surge in retail Forex trading has an […]

Price action trading is a form of technical analysis. But, a special one. A price action trading strategy focuses on current price levels derived from previous ones. That’s what differentiates the price action of a currency pair from trading with indicators. Moreover, Forex price action works on all time frames. When it comes to price […]

A Forex trader buys or sells a currency pair. The idea is to profit from its volatility. This is why traders favor major pairs and not crosses. This represents only one of the Forex strategy secrets successful traders use. On top of that, traders search for a trading system to eliminate fear and greed. Unfortunately, […]

Trading is a very stressful but exciting activity – its constant ups and downs lead to the full spectrum of emotions, from positive ones such as happiness, elation and joy, through to more negative emotions, such as fear, irritation, sadness and even depression. But is it a reason to quit? No! We all have down […]