Category: Forex Strategy

Harmonic patterns in forex trading

Few trading concepts gained in popularity like harmonic patterns. In fact, retail traders use various harmonic patterns Forex strategies to find the perfect trade. There’s a reason why traders love them. They come with a clear setup, giving an entry and exit place. Moreover, the risk-reward ratio is one of the best. The Forex market […]

Understanding the Hammer Candlestick Family

Part of the Japanese candlestick techniques, the hammer candlestick stands out of the crowd. While a single candle pattern, it sends a strong signal to technical traders. Technical analysis as we know it today wasn’t always like this. In time, it suffered changes. A lot of changes. It appeared first in the Western world. This […]

Andrews Pitchfork forex trading indicator

Andrews Pitchfork is one great trading tool for technical traders. Those looking to learn how to use Andrews Pitchfork will find it extremely easy and straightforward. Moreover, the Andrews Pitchfork mt4 indicator is visible and helps traders spotting the right place to enter/exit the market. Few know the origins of this indicator. Developed by Dr. […]

Forex Stop Loss Order to Avoid Failure

One of the biggest dilemmas Forex traders face is where to put the stop loss order. Any trade should have a Forex stop loss order. Trading without a stop loss is not only risky but foolish too. The Forex market swings aggressively. Not once, the currency pairs travel only to take the stops on a […]

Forex Channel Indicator MT4

Technical analysis as we know it today would not be the same without the channel indicator. Forex channel strategies derived from it are popular among retail traders. Moreover, the channel indicator MT4 platform provides is useful in many ways. Every retail trader heard of the Forex channel indicator MT4 and the advantages of using it. […]

Forex Fibonacci Levels

Forex traders have a difficult task: to know where the price goes next. For this, they use both technical fundamental analysis. Fibonacci retracement levels and the rest of the Forex Fibonacci tools form the basis of almost any trading theory. Starting with basic support and resistance levels and ending with complex theories like the Elliott […]

Forex Support and Resistance Trading

Technical analysis “a-b-c” starts with support and resistance Forex traders use. From basic concepts to advanced techniques, support and resistance levels give an idea about when to jump into or out of a trade. There’s more to money than many people think. Most of us must have it for various reasons. Mainly, to fill what […]

Forex Triangle Chart Pattern

The history of money is a work in progress. Technical analysis of a financial product cannot exist in its actual form without a triangle chart pattern. Past patterns show a future forecast, and a Forex triangle is one of the most impressive ones. When thinking of money, modern traders don’t think of physical money. Money […]

Forex Trend Trading

They say the trend is your friend. Or, ride the trend until its end. But, what should a trend trader do to ride a Forex trend? Everyone wants to trade trending markets. The problem is that trends do not form that often. However, there’s a catch! Even if a currency pair ranges on the bigger […]

Breakout Forex Trading

Every trader knows the Forex market spends most of the time in consolidation. This simple statement makes everyone looking for a perfect Forex breakout strategy. Breakout trading allows great risk-reward ratios. Because of this, Forex breakout trading strategies are popular among traders. What drives people to Forex trading is the ability to make money. Quick […]

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